Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (Mini Musing/Review)

Genre: FPS Available Platforms: PC, PS3, 360 Platform I played it on: PC Developer(s): Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Shanghai Publisher: Ubisoft Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is a love letter. A love letter to the fans. A love letter from Ubisoft to their developers telling them to go nuts and create whatever the hell they want […]

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Far Cry 3 (Musing/Review)

Genre: FPS, RPG, action-adventure Available Platforms: PC, PS3, 360 Platform I played on: PC Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft “Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?” This one, now (in)famous, quote perfectly sums up the game that is Far Cry 3. It is pure, unadulterated insanity. It is the video game version of […]

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