Vanquish (Musing/Review)

Genre: 3rd-person shooter, Action Available Platforms: PS3, 360 Platform I played it on: PS3 Developer: Platinum Games Publisher: Sega So I’ve been gone a little while, so as per my custom allow me to come back by sucking Platinum Games’ dick super hard. As is probably evident by this little blog about nothing, I’m a […]

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Bayonetta (Musing/Review)

Genre: Action, Hack ‘n Slash Available Platforms: PS3, 360, WiiU Platform I played it on: PS3 Developer(s): Platinum Games, Nex Entertainment (PS3), Bee Tribe (WiiU) Publisher(s): Sega, Nintendo (WiiU) So Bayonetta 2 just came out like 2 weeks ago and I thought I’d commemorate it by posting my thoughts on it’s predecessor, all the while […]

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Okami (Musing/Review/Retro Review)

Genre: Action, Adventure, Hack ‘n’ Slash Available Platforms: PS2, PS3, Wii Platform I played it on: PS-motherfuckin-2 Developer(s): Clover Studios (OG PS2), Ready at Dawn (Wii), HexaDrive (PS3 HD remaster) Publisher: Capcom So I thought I’d do something different this time around and tell you about a game I played and loved in my childhood. […]

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Watch Dogs (Musing/Review)

Genre: 3rd-person Shooter, Action, RPG Available Platforms: PC, PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One, Wii U Platform I played it on: PC Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft Watch Dogs is very much a prototype game. If you look at Ubisoft’s track record, they’re not really good with first games in a series (and Watch Dogs WILL […]

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Remember Me (Musing/Review)

Genre: Action, Adventure Available Platforms: PC, PS3, 360 Platform I played it on: PC Developer: Dontnod Entertainment Publisher: Capcom There’s something about Remember Me I can’t quite put my finger on. In it’s own right, it’s a really good game, but something about it just feels OFF, you know? While I enjoyed the game and […]

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Max Payne 3 (Musing/Review)

Genre: 3rd-person shooter, Action Available Platforms: PC, PS3, 360 Platform I played it on: PC Developer: Rockstar Studios Publisher: Rockstar Games The smell of stale cigarette smoke and strong booze assaults my nose. I’m home. This flimsy house of blood-stained cards, always one blow away from falling into a decomposing pile of bodies and broken […]

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